Frequently Asked Questions

  • Click HERE to visit our Stations Page, which has all of our boarding locations with addresses.

  • FREE parking is available at all boarding locations noted under the “STATIONS” tab.

  • Due to the historical nature of our equipment, please contact our office at 610-562-2102 (8:30am - 5:00pm daily) for wheelchair and mobility equipment assistance needs before ordering tickets. Not all stations nor passenger railcars are handicap accessible.

  • Many of our trains take the Reading and Northern mainline to Jim Thorpe, PA - “The Switzerland of America” – where guests have a chance to explore town before returning back home. However, we offer other special train rides throughout the year.

  • You will need to receive your actual train ticket(s) from our ticket agent, or the train conductor, or the on-duty manager. When you purchase your ticket(s) online or by phone, you receive an e-mail confirmation. Please note that this is NOT your actual train ticket. You will need to bring your e-mail confirmation with you - on paper or displayed on a phone - to your boarding location to receive your actual train ticket(s).

  • Seating is general admission. Large groups including 8 or more people should arrive for boarding AT LEAST 30 minutes prior to departure time in order to have the best chances of sitting together.

  • Our trains will run in all weather conditions.

  • Tickets are non-refundable. Unused tickets can be exchanged for other trips by calling the Passenger Department at 610-562-2102.

    The ticket(s) to be exchanged must be intact with all stubs attached. Tickets missing stubs or that have been punched will not be accepted for exchange purposes.

    If the future railroad trip you chose is a different, more costly trip, the unused ticket may be exchanged by paying the price difference for the new trip.

    Any unused ticket you wish to exchange for a future ride must be done so in advance to ensure there is seating availability on any given scheduled train. A ticket purchased is good forever until used, however, unused tickets must be exchanged in advance, not the day of the trip.

    Train Tickets must be treated as cash.

  • The 9:00 a.m. train (and all scheduled trains) will leave promptly at the scheduled time. The Reading and Northern Railroad Passenger Department prides itself in on time passenger train departures. Every effort to adhere to our advertised schedule is maintained unless there are extenuating circumstances beyond our control.

  • Yes, restrooms are available on all trains. We pride ourselves on clean restrooms, so please let us know if our restrooms are not up to your expectations.

  • Passengers are welcome to bring any food and/or non-alcoholic drinks they wish to enjoy onboard. Alternatively, snacks and beverages are available for cash purchase on select excursions.

  • Well-behaved pets are welcome on excursions 80 minutes or less (i.e. Santa Claus trains, community train rides) free of charge.

    For all-day excursions, we ask that pets other than registered service animals remain home.

  • Yes, tickets can be purchased online! Please visit the Train Schedule and Special Events tabs for a full list of available train rides, information, and ticketing.

  • Yes! Please check this website regularly for updates. Additionally throughout the year, trips with non-profit organizations are chartered in cooperation with the Reading and Northern Railroad. Please look for details.

  • Santa Claus Special train rides are operated during the Christmas Season from various communities along the Reading and Northern Railroad mainline.

    Bring the entire family to enjoy these trips. Santa Claus will be on the train handing out small treats and talking to all the children which makes for a great photo opportunity your family will remember for years to come!” For dates, times, locations, and pricing about Santa Claus Specials, visit our Special Events tab above.

  • The Reading & Northern only has 2 steam engines. We have no backup. Everybody realizes that mechanical machines built by human beings can fail.

    Therefore, the railroad works very hard to make sure that we maintain our equipment to the highest quality. However, if something unforeseen happens beyond the railroad's control, these trips will be diesel.

    Please understand this when you purchase a ticket.